Helpful Contacts

The SDT is not responsible for the contents of any of the websites listed.
However, we have found these sites interesting and useful:

NHS Practitioner Health 
Previously known as the Practitioner Health Programme, PHP, has, since it’s inception in 2008, become the backbone of mental illness and/or addiction services for doctors and dentists, initially restricted to England, but since 2021, doctors and dentists in Scotland are now eligible for help. The service is confidential and funded by the NHS. The links on the website will take you through the registration process and application for an appointment. If in-patient rehab is advised, this is paid for by the service as is any counselling or CBT if required. Self-referral is necessary -you cannot refer someone else.
Additional support is provided where appropriate, for bereavement, dealing with complaints and via the recent addition of a Trainee Doctors & Dentist Support Service.
Email: ; Tel|: 0300 030 3300

British Doctors and Dentists Group (BDDG)
The British Doctors' and Dentists' Group is a mutual help group for doctors and dentists who are recovering, or wish to recover, from addiction to or dependency on alcohol or other drugs.
To find your nearest group & establish contact 07850125119 or email The GMC will often request evidence of attendance at these meetings, which can be supplied on request by the local group secretary..
Alcoholics Anonymous
A 12-Step Fellowship for those suffering from problem drinking & its effects. Members share their experience, strength and hope in order to help others to recover from alcoholism.  Is AA for You? has lists of symptoms and signs which are helpful to see the extent of your own problem & links to other information for newcomers.

Narcotics Anonymous  0300 999 1212 Helpline from 10am - midnight. 
NA is a fellowship for those with problems surrounding use of any drug or mind-altering substance (not purely narcotics/opiates as the name may suggest). The website contains helpful advice and checklists such as 'Am I an addict?'

Cocaine Anonymous  
0800 612 0225 10am - 10pm Every Day  Email:
A 12-Step Fellowship welcoming anyone who wants to stop using cocaine and all other mind-altering substances (including alcohol and other drugs).  There are many useful downloads on the website including Who is a Cocaine Addict?

SMART Recovery
SMART can be used both as a stand-alone program or in combination with other recovery paths. It allows creation of personalised  plan for change. It has  become much more popular in recent years, and is largely based on CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy).
The website has many resources and downloads.

Gamblers Anonymous
As previously mentioned on this site  'addiction is not just drugs & alcohol'
An overview & udate including welcome comments on current activity in this area from Prof Clare Gerada can be found on the BMA website Getting a grip on Gambling
Their website has a lot of literature and help for newcomers aswell and contact details (different for different regions of the country).

BMA Wellbeing Services
The BMA’s wellbeing services includes a range of free and confidential services and information to help support doctors and medical students:
 - Confidential 24/7 counselling line, and Peer support service for all doctors and medical students on 0330 123 1245
 - BMA members, plus their partners and dependents, can also access a free structured course of up to six sessions of therapy with a counsellor
 - A UK wellbeing support directory detailing various support services by geographical availability on their sources of support page

International Doctors in AA
An organisation of over 6000 physicians, dentists, vets and other doctoral level healthcare professionals who have found recovery from addiction.

Medical Council on Alcohol
A body of doctors and others with a professional interest in alcohol and alcoholism which aims to promote understanding of alcoholism, its treatment and prevention.

Doctors' Support Network
A warm, friendly self-help group for doctors who have been troubled ... it seeks to reduce the isolation and stigma of mental health problems.  Doctors in the group have themselves been troubled at some stage in their lives, and help is offered to those who are beginning the process of re-establishing themselves after a breakdown or other mental crisis. IMportant where substance use has been addressed, but depression or bipolar disorder co-exist. Email:

Is a branch of the Royal Medical Benevolent Society offering widespread variety of support for doctors including financial support.

Financial Help

The Royal Medical Benevolent Fund
Provide financial support, money advice and information when needed due to age, ill health, disability or  bereavement.

The Royal Medical Foundation
Exists to support medical practitioners and/or their dependents who find themselves in financial hardship. or call 01372 821010

The Cameron Fund
This is the only medical benevolent charity which solely supports GPs and their dependents, whether financial problems are due to ill-health, disability, death or loss of employment. This includes both those who are already suffering from financial hardship and those who are facing it.

BMA Charities Fund
BMA Charities helps by giving grants to other charities which support doctors. They also help refugee and asylum seeking doctors with taking the PLAB exams. The BMA Medical Education Trust Fund gives grants to students taking medicine as a second degree, and the Dain Fund helps with the educational costs of the children of medical doctors in certain situations.
Tel: 020 7383 6142, 07483 115411 Mon to Fri, 09:00-17:00

but may be necessary as an adjunct to other recovery programmes.